Friday 15 March 2019

The king who took his dogs with him & forgot to take his wife and son while running from India to Pakistan during Partition. He not only threw grand parties on the marriage & birthday of his dogs but also declared national holiday also on his territory.

The king who took his dogs with him & forgot to take his wife and son while running from India to Pakistan during Partition  

Unbelievable but true! Extremely shocking but absolutely true! The king who was so passionate about Dogs that after Partition of India and Pakistan, this Indian King forgot to take his queen and his son with him to Pakistan but took his dogs and jewelry with him. According to the Indian Independence Act of 1947, there was a separate provision for the lapse of paramountcy in which after India become an independent nation the agreement between the British government and Indian princely states would be raptured and all the 565 princely states of India had complete right to choose either they wanted to be a part of India or Pakistan or they wanted to be a free nation. It was difficult for any princely state to become a separate independent nation because there was an extreme diplomatic pressure on those princely states from both India national congress and All India Muslim league headed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah to accede either in India or Pakistan. The first Indian state who declared themselves as the independent nation was Travancore which is today's Kerala and some southern part of Tamil Nadu and after one day of Travancore declaration of becoming an independent nation, on 12th of August, Hyderabad also declared that after 15th of August Hyderabad would also become a separate independent nation. Separation of Hyderabad means the connection of North Indian to South India would almost be disconnected, the situation that time was like the dream of one united nation was gradually in a breaking situation. After seeing the urgency of this matter, there was a separate ministry that was created in which Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel became its minister and V.P. Menon became its secretary.

After taking this position, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel addresses all the princely states by All India Radio and invited them to join India by signing the instrument of accession and the Indian constituent assembly, but the princely states were not in a mood to listen to anything from Indian national congress, they only wanted to be independent rulers. Only forty days were left before India become an Independent nation and none of the big or small princely states was in a mood to sign the Instrument of accession which is predominantly an agreement according to which the ruler of the princely state gives there consent to the Indian government that after signing this agreement their state will be the part of United India. The situation was looking very complex at that time, so Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, and V.P.Menon requested Lord Mount Batten to addresses the heads of all princely states in a conference where they tell them about why it is beneficial for them to join any of the nations of India or Pakistan. On 25th July 1947, Lord Mount Batten addresses the heads of all princely states in his last assembly and told them about the importance and benefits of joining any of these nations. After which by putting more effort, most of the Princely states agreed to sign the instrument of accession and joined United India. 

On the day of Independence, the Nawab of Junagarh declared that the state of Junagarh would be going to accede in Pakistan. Geographically, Junagarh is a small princely state in the southern interior of Gujarat whose area is around 3,337square miles and the majority of the population at Junagarh was of the Hindus. Around 80% of the population of Junagarh was the Hindu population and only around 20% of the population was of the Muslim population. After two days via newspaper, the government of India came to about the joining of Junagarh in Pakistan. 

The Nawab of Junagarh  Muhammad Mahabat Khanji was the ruler at that time. Before this declaration, Muhammad Mahabat Khanji was famous for his two passionate hobbies. One of which was his love toward animals especially his love for the dogs. He owned around 2000 pedigree dogs and spent thousands of rupees on their grand marriages and birthdays. This hobby of the Nawab became famous all around that day when he threw a magnificent grand marriage party of two of his dogs and spent thousands of rupees on that marriage, he also declared the national holiday on Junagarh on that day. In addition to this, he also threw grand parties on the birthday of many of his favorite dogs.
Another most passionate hobby of the Nawab was dancing and singing. He was so fond of Gujarati music, there was a concert hall in Sardar Bagh palace where he performed live dramas. All the costumes and pieces of jewelry which were used in the drama were original. The government had no problem with the hobbies or lifestyle of Nawab but when he deceived the Indian government then only it became necessary for the government of India to take action against the Nawab.

Again a very interesting turn took place when Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, and V.P.Menon went to meet Lord Mount Batten on this matter. During that time, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was completely in favor of army invasion but Lord Mount Batten had a logical explanation of why the government of India should not do any military action against Junagarh. Lord Mount-batten put up the point that according to the Indian independence act 1947, any princely state of India had complete right to either accede in India or in Pakistan. If they do any military action against Junagarh either of the reason that Junagarh has majority Hindu Population or because of the reason that Junagadh is in the interior southern part of Gujarat then Pakistan Muslim league would be opposed of this and claim their right on Kashmir, because during that time the majority of the population in Kashmir was Muslim. Jinnah would take advantage of this situation. Here, in all this situation, Junagarh is like a pawn in this game. So, the military invasion was not possible in that situation in Junagarh. Lord Mount Batten, suggested taking this matter on United Nations but Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was not in favor of taking this matter to the United Nation. In that case, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru suggested increasing surveillance and blockade around the outer border of Junagarh. Everyone was agreed on this suggestion, but before taking any action they decided to send V.P.Menon to meet the Nawab of Junagarh to find out the exact reason why the Nawab took such action? and is Nawab was the one who was actually behind this or there was another mastermind who persuaded nawab to take such a decision?

On 19th September 1947, V.P.Menon went to meet Nawab but unfortunately, the dewan of Nawab Shah Nawaz Bhutto who was the grandfather of Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto gave excuses of Nawab illness and absurd reasons of why Nawab was not in a situation to meet Menon. Soon, V.P.Menon understood that he was only wasting their time with Shah Nawaz Bhutto. Before leaving, he prevised Mr. Bhutto the public of Kathiawar is extremely angry about such a decision of nawab and if the anger of these people would not control and they took law in their hands then it means the complete destruction of Nawab's clan and you would be responsible for all this.

Mr. Menon was not succeeded in meeting with the Nawab but before reaching Delhi he successfully accedes two small estates Mangalore and Bavaria wadh of Junagarh in India by signing the instrument of accession. In response to this, the Nawab of  Junagarh sent their military in both these areas to capture. Soon V.P.Menon informed Jawahar Lal Nehru and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel about this absurd action taken by the Nawab. In one of the confidential meeting of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, V.P.Menon and Lord Mount Batten, Sardar Patel suggested that they should do military invasion this time because after signing the instrument of accession by the ruler of Mangalore and Bavaria wadh, these estates are the part of India and it was completely an act of country treason but again Lord Mount Batten suggested them to not take any military action against this and take this matter to United Nation. After all the discussion, all of them decided to neither take any military action nor to take this matter to the United Nation but to strictly increases the surveillance and siege around Junagarh.

This time the public of Junagarh revolted against the Nawab and were on the road marching and protesting against the Nawab. Muhammad Mahabat Khanji was afraid of all this situation and decided to move to Pakistan as soon as possible. while collecting all his jewels and money in order to leave Pakistan with this. One of his queens informed him that their son was not looking anywhere so she is going to find their son and meet him here in the hall of the palace. Nawab agreed on this and binding their luggage. He was in such a hurry that he took his luggage and two of his dogs with him to Pakistan and forgot to take their wife and son. It looks like, his love for his Dogs were much more than for his wife and son.

After the departure of Nawab to Pakistan, all the responsibilities were on the shoulders of the Dewan of Junagarh Shah Nawaz Bhutto. He sent a letter to Muhammad Ali Jinnah to do something in this matter but he didn't send any reply to dewan or took any action on this matter. After all this, Shah Nawaz Bhutto offer motion to the Indian government to sign the instrument of accession and accede in India. Then Junagarh became the part of India.

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