Friday 29 March 2019

Kuldhara - the haunted village near Jaisalmer. All the villagers vacate the village overnight

KULDHARA - The most mysterious haunted place.

Sonar Quila means the Golden Fort on the hill, and the city around it is popularly known by the name of the Jaisalmer fort. In the 12th century AD, King Jisal established this city. Jaisalmer is one of the ancient cities of India, so much has been written about it in books but mostly is about the royal families and the royal courts of the king. Around 18 kilometres away from Jaisalmer, in the mid of the desert, there is an unheard, obsoleted, unsolved and the most astonishing story. The place which is desolated toady. deserted roads, rugged houses, and debris is the only identification of this place today. Imperturbability and waving winds with lots of fears in it. These desolated roads, winds and walls so much want to say. Kuldhara, the place which is completely ruined today but once almost around 200 years back was the most civilized village. In today's time, not even a single bird or animal is in this place. According to the historians, the relics which has been found in this place indicates that once this place was a well-developed settlement. The roads and the houses were mostly inspired by the Harrapa- Mohenjodaro settlements. The pattern of the roads is like the North-South Grid formations which divide at the ninety degrees.

If this place was once very well developed then why every single person of this place left this beautiful village overnight and even didn't take anything of this village with them. The question is why what happened there? What is the mystery behind the sudden vacant of this village overnight? The local peoples of Jaisalmer have different stories regarding Kuldhara. According to some people, this place is cursed. if you went there or take away even a single particle of sand from this place, it means you have taken away your bad luck with you. From that day, every single day of your life will take you toward your destruction. While some other people considered this place as the haunted one. The local people of Jaisalmer says that no one is allowed to stay in Kuldhara at night not even an animal. If you stay there at night, you will be dead or if in case you will be alive the next day your mental condition would become unstable. So many riddles, so many doubts, different stories by different peoples. what is true, what is not? what are the mysteries, what are the curses? why the history of Kuldhara have so many significances in it?

This village was once called the place of richest people and a  very beautiful village in India. Maybe around 200 families were used to live here. The houses of this place are mostly double stories but all of them were built without cement or water. Kuldhara was the place of Paliwal brahmans who were the natives of Pali. In the 11th century, these people were migrated to Sathal, Pokhara, Jaisalmer and Bikaner. But a very strange thing about them is when they migrated and settled in different regions, they took part in every field of work whether its merchants business, administration or any other working area. Soon these Paliwal Brahmans became the richest people of Jaisalmer. According to one story, around three hundred years back in 1815 Gat Singh Mehrawal was the ruler of Jaisalmer, He was considered as a weak ruler in the history of Jaisalmer but in his time his seneschal Zalim Singh who controlled all the powers of his monarchy. In reality, the king was nothing more like a puppet and the actual power was in the hand of Zalim Singh. He was considered as the cruellest person, anyone could even be denied for the rules and ordered of the king but no one had that power to denied the ordered of Zalim Singh.

Zalim Singh liked a Paliwal Brahman's daughter whose name was Shakti Maiyaa who was twelve years old and she usually spent most of the time at the temple. Zalim Singh had a desire to marry her but Paliwal Brahmans could never be accepted to this proposal of Zalim Singh because he was not a Brahman. All the Paliwal Brahmans very politely denied to him that it was not possible for them to marry their daughter to a non-Brahman but Zalim Singh took it very aggressively and stubbornly desired to marry this girl when she became eligible for the marriage. All the Paliwal Brahman requested Zalim Singh to give them some time to think again about his proposal. In that meantime, all the Paliwal Brahmans of this village gathered and decided to leave the village as soon as possible. So, all the people left that village overnight. They did not even take a single thing with them, the only thing they wanted was to save Shakti Maiyaa from Zalim Singh.

Some historians and books mentioned a completely different story about the desolation of Kuldhara. According to them, Zalim Singh took so many cruel steps against Paliwals to take a high rate of taxes from them. He implemented those taxes with so much atrocity and recovered those taxes with maximum brutality. Even Zalim Singh and their soldiers started robberies in Kuldhara and its near villages. if they saw any woman with anklets in her legs, they brutally cut the ankles of that woman to get those anklets. If they found rings in any woman's finger, they simply cut the fingers of those women to take those rings. So, all those Paliwals went to meet the king and complained about that, but the king didn't even listen to them. The people did not have any choices but to leave the village once and for all. They all decided that it was not possible for them to live in such a place where every day they used to struggle for every single thing.

The people who live in the fort today have a completely different story about the desolation of Kuldhara. According to them, the daughter of Paliwal loved the son of Rajput. They both were so deeply in love like Romeo - Juliet. They decided to marry but Paliwal peoples were not accepted their daughter to marry in some other caste. Rajputs were all ready to take away her from them at any cost. so, all the Paliwals decided to leave this village overnight. They even didn't take anything with them but they also cursed this place that if anyone takes anything of this village even the sand of this village, it means they take their bad luck with them.

Different peoples and their different stories. maybe all of them are true or maybe none of them is true. Above all these stories, one thing which is no doubt but absolutely true is that 'Kuldhara is completely desolate today'. Many reasons behind this but what you believe is the history of Kuldhara for you.

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