Sunday 23 July 2017

DEVADASI SYSTEM:- the women who married to the statue and not allowed to marry any person in this world.


Devadasi is a woman who is considered to be dedicated to God or the servant of God. Devadasi also has known by the name of Devaradiyar. In the ancient time, they were called as the married wives of God. These were the women who served their whole lives in the service of the deity or the temples.
Traditionally, these women had a high status in society but in today's time, the system of devadasi is completely banned by the law of Indian Constitution because it was more became the system of the prostitution than the system of a devadasi.

So the question here is who are Devadasis? how are devadasis formed? why this system banned in India by the laws of Indian Constitution?
Devadasis are the women or the girls who forced by their parents or their community people to marry to the deity of God. They were instructed to serve their complete life for the deity or temple.The girls from the age of 8 years to 16 years old or more than that forced to convert to devadasi. On the ceremony of Pottukattu which is very much like to the ceremony of marriage especially in southern states, the girls forced to marry the idol of God. Then after they were entirely called as a married woman who never became a widow in her life and it was compulsory for her to wear Mangalsutra all the time in their neck.
The people first came to know about the dancing girls in temples can be found in Kalidasa's book " MEGHADHOOT". According to Meghadhoot, there is a reference in it which says that during that time the girls were married to God and they danced in Mahakal Temple of Ujjain. Most of the scholars have a point of view that Devadasi system was started during the time of 5th century and then it became common in the 6th and 7th century.
Some historians also linked Devdasi system to Buddhism.According to their opinions, Devadasis were actually the Buddhist nuns who then converted to the Devadasi or prostitute by the other caste people when they captured their Buddhist temples. While some other scholars have an opinion that the system of Devdasi transformed to a system which is more likely to be called as a prostitute system by the Mughal rulers and British rule before independence, as they were not aware of the  Devadasi system or they had belief in other religion so they misused Devadasi women and with the time passes, this system was completely changed.

The system of Devadasi was much common during the time of 7th century in the reigns of  Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas kingdoms.That time they were treated as high social status ladies in the society, they were the women who performed classical dances in the temples, clean the temples and performed some of the religious rituals but in today's time these devadasis were so much force in prostitution so the government banned it completely.
In this modern India, Devadasis are mainly located in the state of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharastra.These Devadasis called by different names in different states. In the state of Maharastra, they called by the name of Mathangi, in Andhra Pradesh, they called by the name of Jogini or Mathamma.
The girls who become devadasis were dedicated to Yellamma also known by the name of Jogamma or Holiyamma.This dedication happened most often during the festival of Saundatti.
In most cases, in the modern India, these girls were the source of income for their families, so these girls were forced to become a devadasi by their own parents. Even in some of the cases, it was also possible that the families of Devadasis were not allowed in the villages also.

Today this Devdasi system is completed banned in India.
The first law which declares this system illegal was enacted in 1934 in the name of Bombay Devadasi protection act, then after the Madras Devadasi act was introduced which provide the legal right to girls to marry any person and it declared illegal to dedicate girls to temple.This act is known as

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