Friday 20 November 2020

THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND - The way to open infinite power of your mind


                                        The way to open the infinite power of your mind

Have you ever thought about why you can't change your actions even if you want?  Why is it happen that some people believe in themselves while some other people don't? The biggest difference between successful people and other people is not what's going on in their outside life but rather the biggest difference is what is going in their inside life. Dr. Joseph Murphy said the law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a pre-planned thought in your mind. As you think, you feel it happen in your life. It sounds a little strange but Dr. Joseph Murphy says when you experience it, you will believe in it, and then only it will be effective for you. Dr. Joseph Murphy himself proved the power of his own subconscious mind. Once he was diagnosed with a disease called Sarcoma, he used all the tricks, and finally, he healed it. When once he healed it, then he completely believed the power of the subconscious mind.

It has scientifically proven that your thoughts also affect your body. There is a thing called the Placebo effect, where a fake medicine is given to the patients and tell them it is real medicine. Despite the fake medicine, it has been seen that the patients have positive effects. Same way, the opposite of the Placebo effect is the Nocebo effect, in which when a person gets to know that he is having a disease but in reality, he doesn't have any disease then also the body of that person shows the symptoms of that problem. So, as like our thoughts affect our body in a measurable way, is our thoughts also affect our environment, our financial level, our success, and happiness level?  

Our brain has two divisions one is conscious and the other one is sub-conscious, even if you don't know this method, it automatically works for you all the time. Whatever you are reading here or focusing on the reading is your conscious mind but your heartbeat, breathing are all control by your subconscious mind. To explain this concept and the difference between these two, Dr. Joseph Murphy says your conscious mind is like a ship captain who gives all the orders and the ones who completed their orders are the crewmen. The crewmen never ask questions from the captain or never argue with the captain, in the same ways your subconscious mind takes orders from your conscious mind. It does not ask questions and that is the root cause of why people do not change their lives. They constantly say to their mind that they are not intelligent, they are not financially well, they are weak, they are not healthy, they have this much level of problems and their subconscious mind accept all these statements as order and turn it into reality. If you say your memory is not good so as your subconscious mind ready your brain to accept that your memory is not good. If you say you are not confident your subconscious mind accepts it as a command and turns you into an unconfident person. But the good thing is if you say the opposite to it your subconscious mind also accepts that. for instance, if you say you are confident and intelligent then also your subconscious mind turns it into your reality.

So, the first way by which you can change your life is to change your thoughts and you can do this by using the technique of auto-suggestion. It is a method in which you incorporate good thoughts in your mind repeatedly. Try to send good thoughts inside your subconscious mind rather than unpleasant thoughts. For instance, A 75 years old lady constantly used to say 'my memory is getting weaker'. when she learned about the auto-suggestion method of Dr. Joseph Murphy, from then she started saying my memory is getting better and better. By saying this, her memory starts to get better. Same way negative suggestions also affect our way of thinking like if we listen to more negative news, it impacts our mind negatively.

There was a Psychologist who diagnosed with tuberculosis which one can easily see that in his x-ray report. He started a new practice. Every night before he went to sleep, he used to say 'my health is perfect and my body is performing perfectly'. After one month, when he again diagnosed, his lungs were all clear, he was perfectly well. There was not a single sign of Tuberculosis in his body.

The Psychologist asked Dr. Joseph Murphy, why he used to say his affirmations or statements before he goes to sleep? Dr. Murphy said, our subconscious mind also has a kinetic action that constantly works even if you are sleeping. So, if you send good thoughts to your subconscious mind before you sleep, your subconscious mind constantly works on it the whole night. It is very much favorable if you say good affirmations to yourself before you sleep. It will affect your mind & personality much positively.

Dr. Joseph Murphy explained so many methods in his book but among all of the methods, three are the most important:-


Relaxingly sit at a very calm and peaceful place, focus on your breath, and relax your mind and then play a movie of your ideal situation for instance if you are facing health problems, imagine you are at the doctor's clinic and the doctor is saying to you "your health is perfectly well, you are completely cured".


 It is a satisfying technique that places you in a state of gratitude. for instance, if you have any financial crisis, imagine and send the message to the universe that you are financially stable and your financial conditions are improving very speedily. By doing this, your mind eliminates fears and your mind comes to a better state to deal with the problems.


your body reacts according to the affirmations you say. If you say you are healthy, your subconscious mind works on your brain & body to make them healthy. If you say you are confident, your subconscious mind works to make you more confident. Affirmations work if you speak them repeatedly.

The most important thing is, you cannot do all these things forcefully. Dr. Joseph Murphy says, here you need to use your imagination rather than your willpower. You do not need to fight from your subconscious mind rather than you need to relax your mind and incorporate good thoughts in it. Your subconscious mind has infinite intelligence rather than your conscious mind that is why your subconscious mind doesn't need any details. All it wants is good thoughts to work in a positive direction.



  1. Nice post 👏👏👏

  2. Nice one you may also read about the mind diet to boost your memory power
