Sunday 14 April 2019

An Extraordinary lion-hearted courageous Mother - symbol of Sacrifice and loyalism - Panna Dhai

A Mother who Sacrificed her own son to save the future of Mewar 

On that dark night, no one knows how much Panna Dhai sobbed for her son. Every time she saws that innocent child and tried to find her own son's face in his face. This story is about a mother who completely changed the definition of sacrifice and loyalty. The woman who sacrificed her own son for the sake of obligation, who witnessed the baptism of the blood of her own son but saved the prince.

The city of magnificent marble Palaces and mesmerizing lakes Udaipur, which is also known as the Venice of East. Perhaps one of the most precious and scrumptious cities of Rajasthan. Historians dedicated the reason for such a rattling and scrumptious place to king Udai Singh who established Udaipur as the capital of Mewar in the 16th century. Behind the layer of this ravishing city, there is a story which shudders the soul of any person. Prince Udai could never become Maharana Udai Singh if this courageous, staunched and duty abiding woman could not sacrifice her own son to save the life of the inheritor of Mewar. Udai Singh who established the city Udaipur as the capital but the most crucial incident of his life happened in Chittorgarh of Mewar. Chittorgarh Fort, the symbol of  Rajputana glory, scintillation and heroism. Udai Singh was born in Chittorgarh. According to the tradition of governess in the royal families, Udai Singh also took care by his governess after her birth, that time no one knows that this governess would be going to turn the destiny of Mewar. There is conflict regarding the fact that from which society Panna Dhai concretely belonged. Some say she was predominantly from the Rajput family while others say she was verily from the Gujjar family. From the very ancient time, the tradition of governess was very popular in the royal families, might be because the queens were mostly busy living their luxurious lives or might be handling the interior responsibilities of the palaces.

A governess was appointed as that woman who was very loyal and close to the family because there was always a threat of attack on the royal princes. There was always a threat that if the enemy might kill the royal princes by giving poison or by any other mean. Panna Dhai also had her own son whose name was Chandan. His age was similar to the age of Prince Udai Singh. Panna Dhai was never discriminated between her son and the prince. Even she loved and obligated more to Prince Udai than her own son. During that time, when Prince Udai was a kid, The king Rana Sangram Singh took care of the kingdom and Panna took care of the Prince of the family. Udai Singh was very much beloved of their father Rana Sangram Singh and Queen Karmavati. Panna Dhai not only took care of prince Udai but also recited courageous stories to him to prepare him to become the king of Mewar in the future. Panna Dhai was so much allegiant to the Royal Family that even today also people say that not only blood but also loyalty and obligation had also flowed in the veins of Panna Dhai. Due to her extreme faithfulness and allegiance, she was not only the governess but also the advisor of the queen of Mewar Rani Karmavati. As time passes, the shadow of threat and danger started to revolve around the fort.

Vikramaditya became the new ruler who was the elder brother of Udai Singh. On one side, the child Udai Singh was growing with the care and love of Panna Dhai while on the other side the king Vikramaditya who had forgotten his responsibilities toward his kingdom and people, lived his life in luxury without even care about anyone and even his indignant behaviour was became a huge problem for the people of Mewar. King Vikramaditya very much liked to tantalized people, insulted and excruciated them in front of everyone. His mother Queen Karnavati was also very much distraught from his such kind of behaviour. Queen Karnavati shared almost every problem & feeling of her with Panna Dhai and asked her for effective advice, but no one knows that the destiny of Mewar was taking the turn. Due to his nasty and licentious behaviour, the other rulers whose kingdoms were close to Mewar and those rulers who were good friends of Mewar started eliminated their relations and friendship with Mewar. During that time, the Ruler of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah took the advantage of this situation and sent their army chief Mohammad shah Asari to attack Mewar. As the king, Vikramaditya was a weak ruler, he very soon accepted his defeat.

So, on the advice of Panna Dhai Rajmata Karnavati sent request messages to their nearby kingdoms to help them in that tough situation. She urged them to help Mewar for the sake of those good relations and friendship once they had with Mewar, as time passes, situations became worse for Mewar. In those circumstances, Panna Dhai adviced Queen Karmavati to send Rakhi to the emperor Humayun and made him her brother, requested him to come to Mewar as soon as possible and saved it from such severe attack. On the order of Queen Karmavati, Panna Dhai took away the youngest son Udai Singh with her to Bundi for his security purposes. All the neighbour rulers of Mewar decided to take part in this war, not because of king Vikramaditya but to save the esteem and reputation of Mewar. Due to such respect and request as a sister by Queen Karmavati, Emperor Humayun also moved for Mewar from Bengal with his army to help her kingdom but while he was coming from Bengal, he was stuck in Gwalior and Queen Karmavati didn't have much time so she did Jauhar (jumped into the burning fire to save their characters and themselves from enemies) with other women of Mewar. Udai Singh lost his mother. Panna Dhai took back Udai Singh in the palace only when King Vikramaditya took control over the Mewar again by the help of Emperor Humayun.

Panna Dhai was not only a prudent lady but also a far-sighted one. She had the ability of deep thinking and intellect of finding the best possible solution to any problem. She worked as an effective political advisor to the queen Karmavati. After the war, King Vikramaditya again started to behave brutely with the senior advisors of the court who was from his father's time in the court. He even slapped one of the most senior advisors of the court Karamchandra Ji. After seeing this all, the other ministers of the court became so aggressive and took a strong decision to send King Vikramaditya to the prison of the fort. But the question was who would become the king of  Mewar then? All the ministers of the court decided to run the administration of Mewar on the name of Udai Singh but the caretaker of this kingdom till Udai Singh become mature would be Vanveer. Vanveer was the son of the elder brother of Rana Sanga and one of his governess. As Vanveer also had royal blood in him so he also thought that he could become the caretaker of Mewar. But soon his ambition started to grow from becoming just a caretaker to the king of Mewar. He planned to kill Prince Udai on the coming next night. Vikramaditya was in prison, he didn't have any idea about the upcoming threat. Panna Dhai was reciting lullaby in the room of Prince Udai for Udai and Chandan so that both the kids slept comfortably and peacefully. Vanveer first killed Vikramaditya by his sword, after killed Vikramaditya Vanveer moved toward the room of six-year-old prince Udai Singh to kill him. Before Vanveer reached to kill Uda Singh, someone informed Panna Dhai about his brutal plan.

On one side Panna was shocked by the ferocious Plan of Vanveer but soon Panna deeply understood every situation. Now its time for Panna to take a decision to choose the love for her own son Chandan or her love, responsibility and loyalty toward the six-year-old Prince Udai Singh who was the only hope and future of Mewar. Without any hesitation, this courageous woman took the decision and picked up Prince Udai from the hammock and hid him in a huge basket of fruits and covered it with some leaves. She gave that basket to one of the loyal soldiers of  Mewar and requested him to take away this basket to the bank of the river. Then this impudent mother moved toward her own son, with full of grief and shivering hands she picked up her own son from the floor and shifted him to the royal hammock where prince Udai used to sleep. Soon Vanveer entered the room, She didn't say a word but to stand still on one side of the room. Vanveer every ruthlessly stabbed his sword on the chest of that innocent child Chandan. He killed her only son and heir of her family. This unaided mother witnessed the murder of her son from her own eyes. She was helpless, she was unassisted, she sacrificed her own blood and not even a single drop of tear dropped from her eyes in front of him. She saved the royal blood and the future of this kingdom on the sake of her own blood, on the sake of her own son.

She was the real devout of Mewar, Her loyalty for this Kingdom was extraordinary. No one can even imagine today what that courageous woman struggled with. She even didn't has time to cry for her son because she knew that before anyone knows about that the boy who was killed was not prince Udai but the own son of Panna Dhai and she was the one who saved prince Udai, she and prince both would be in a devastating threat. As soon as possible, she took aways Prince Udai Singh with her to the Kumbhalgarh. Some people may be raised a point that if Panna Dhai could save one child then why not she could save both the child? If she could try to save both the kids, she would definitely be lost the life of both the kids with her own life as well because Vanveer could do anything or searched everywhere either near or far away kingdoms in search of those three to kill all of them. No one knows how many nights she cried for her own son, how many times she tried to find the face of her own son in Udai's face. Even after reached to Kumbhalgarh, she didn't give up and trained Udai every day and made him strong to become the King, the Maharana of Mewar as Maharana Udai Singh.

That six-year-old Prince Udai could never become Maharana Udai Singh if this devout, courageous and faithful governess of Mewar didn't sacrifice her own son, her own blood to save the future and the hope of Mewar Prince Udai Singh.

Friday 29 March 2019

Kuldhara - the haunted village near Jaisalmer. All the villagers vacate the village overnight

KULDHARA - The most mysterious haunted place.

Sonar Quila means the Golden Fort on the hill, and the city around it is popularly known by the name of the Jaisalmer fort. In the 12th century AD, King Jisal established this city. Jaisalmer is one of the ancient cities of India, so much has been written about it in books but mostly is about the royal families and the royal courts of the king. Around 18 kilometres away from Jaisalmer, in the mid of the desert, there is an unheard, obsoleted, unsolved and the most astonishing story. The place which is desolated toady. deserted roads, rugged houses, and debris is the only identification of this place today. Imperturbability and waving winds with lots of fears in it. These desolated roads, winds and walls so much want to say. Kuldhara, the place which is completely ruined today but once almost around 200 years back was the most civilized village. In today's time, not even a single bird or animal is in this place. According to the historians, the relics which has been found in this place indicates that once this place was a well-developed settlement. The roads and the houses were mostly inspired by the Harrapa- Mohenjodaro settlements. The pattern of the roads is like the North-South Grid formations which divide at the ninety degrees.

If this place was once very well developed then why every single person of this place left this beautiful village overnight and even didn't take anything of this village with them. The question is why what happened there? What is the mystery behind the sudden vacant of this village overnight? The local peoples of Jaisalmer have different stories regarding Kuldhara. According to some people, this place is cursed. if you went there or take away even a single particle of sand from this place, it means you have taken away your bad luck with you. From that day, every single day of your life will take you toward your destruction. While some other people considered this place as the haunted one. The local people of Jaisalmer says that no one is allowed to stay in Kuldhara at night not even an animal. If you stay there at night, you will be dead or if in case you will be alive the next day your mental condition would become unstable. So many riddles, so many doubts, different stories by different peoples. what is true, what is not? what are the mysteries, what are the curses? why the history of Kuldhara have so many significances in it?

This village was once called the place of richest people and a  very beautiful village in India. Maybe around 200 families were used to live here. The houses of this place are mostly double stories but all of them were built without cement or water. Kuldhara was the place of Paliwal brahmans who were the natives of Pali. In the 11th century, these people were migrated to Sathal, Pokhara, Jaisalmer and Bikaner. But a very strange thing about them is when they migrated and settled in different regions, they took part in every field of work whether its merchants business, administration or any other working area. Soon these Paliwal Brahmans became the richest people of Jaisalmer. According to one story, around three hundred years back in 1815 Gat Singh Mehrawal was the ruler of Jaisalmer, He was considered as a weak ruler in the history of Jaisalmer but in his time his seneschal Zalim Singh who controlled all the powers of his monarchy. In reality, the king was nothing more like a puppet and the actual power was in the hand of Zalim Singh. He was considered as the cruellest person, anyone could even be denied for the rules and ordered of the king but no one had that power to denied the ordered of Zalim Singh.

Zalim Singh liked a Paliwal Brahman's daughter whose name was Shakti Maiyaa who was twelve years old and she usually spent most of the time at the temple. Zalim Singh had a desire to marry her but Paliwal Brahmans could never be accepted to this proposal of Zalim Singh because he was not a Brahman. All the Paliwal Brahmans very politely denied to him that it was not possible for them to marry their daughter to a non-Brahman but Zalim Singh took it very aggressively and stubbornly desired to marry this girl when she became eligible for the marriage. All the Paliwal Brahman requested Zalim Singh to give them some time to think again about his proposal. In that meantime, all the Paliwal Brahmans of this village gathered and decided to leave the village as soon as possible. So, all the people left that village overnight. They did not even take a single thing with them, the only thing they wanted was to save Shakti Maiyaa from Zalim Singh.

Some historians and books mentioned a completely different story about the desolation of Kuldhara. According to them, Zalim Singh took so many cruel steps against Paliwals to take a high rate of taxes from them. He implemented those taxes with so much atrocity and recovered those taxes with maximum brutality. Even Zalim Singh and their soldiers started robberies in Kuldhara and its near villages. if they saw any woman with anklets in her legs, they brutally cut the ankles of that woman to get those anklets. If they found rings in any woman's finger, they simply cut the fingers of those women to take those rings. So, all those Paliwals went to meet the king and complained about that, but the king didn't even listen to them. The people did not have any choices but to leave the village once and for all. They all decided that it was not possible for them to live in such a place where every day they used to struggle for every single thing.

The people who live in the fort today have a completely different story about the desolation of Kuldhara. According to them, the daughter of Paliwal loved the son of Rajput. They both were so deeply in love like Romeo - Juliet. They decided to marry but Paliwal peoples were not accepted their daughter to marry in some other caste. Rajputs were all ready to take away her from them at any cost. so, all the Paliwals decided to leave this village overnight. They even didn't take anything with them but they also cursed this place that if anyone takes anything of this village even the sand of this village, it means they take their bad luck with them.

Different peoples and their different stories. maybe all of them are true or maybe none of them is true. Above all these stories, one thing which is no doubt but absolutely true is that 'Kuldhara is completely desolate today'. Many reasons behind this but what you believe is the history of Kuldhara for you.

Sunday 24 March 2019

400-years-old "Curse" on Royal Wodeyar Dynasty of Mysore

400-years-old "Curse" (shraap) on Royal Wodeyar Family of Mysore

In North India, River Ganga is considered as the most sacrosanct river which has the competency to sanctify the people from their sins and guilts. The same way river Kaveri of South India also considered as the most sacrosanct river. This seven hundred and sixty-five kilometres long Kaveri river has so many accreditations. There is a belief that in the month of October-November, river Kaveri meets river Ganga under the ground to purify river Ganga again. Kaveri river is one of the most ancient rivers of South India in which more than a hundred tributaries meet. It has three most significant islands, one of which is Srirangapatnam. The place where the king Tipu Sultan and his father Haider Ali fought four tremendous wars from the Britishers. Everyone knows about the bravery of Tipu sultan but very few people know that he captured this kingdom from Wodeyar rulers who were the kings of Mysore from the Fourteenth century. When the Britishers defeated Tipu Sultan, they again hand over the rule of Mysore to the Wodeyar rulers. 

On the island of Srirangapatnam, there is a temple of Sri Rangaswami where people used to pray Shri Ranganatha swami who has been considered as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu(Hindu God). This temple has gotten so much contribution from the Wodeyar dynasty. Related from this temple and Mysore, there is a devastating story due to which three confounded incidents have been taking place from a  last 400 years. From nineteen generations, every second ruler of Mysore does not have their own child so they have to adopt a child as their successor. Malangi village on the bank of Kaveri river destroying and about forty-five kilometres away from Mysore, the Talakadu city has been buried under the sand.

People have a belief that all of this happening because of a four-hundred-year-old curse which even working today as well. Now the question is who and why gave such a devastating curse? Talakadu is the only and spacious sand dune of Kaveri. This sand dune has been created by the wind via sand accumulation. In 1951, there is a book has been written in which it has been mention that in one year around twelve feet of sand accumulated in Talakadu and the archaeologists have a belief that if this place dug for once, there is a huge probability that another Indus valley could be found. Is really possible that a curse can bury a city under sand dunes? is it possible that a well-civilized place transformed into a deserted place all because of a curse? Today, Talakadu is just a village near river Kaveri where you can see the dunes of sands all around. The four or five temples which you can see in Talakadu had been dug by the archaeological survey of India. According to the historians, the relics which has been found here shows that some more temples can be found under the sand. According to the evidence which has been found here indicates that the city Talakadu was once spread about 3 to 4 kilometres in area. In addition to Hindu and Jain, Buddhist people were also used to live here. On the bank of river Kaveri, this city was once a very suitable place for people to settle. There is a possibility that around more than 1500 families were used to live here.

After seeing Vadeshwar temple, no one can say that by the time when this temple was built there would be any possibility of any sand around this region because as the architectural studies show, the footing of any building can never be placed under the sand as the footing in the sand make any structure or building weak. So if that time around four-hundred-years back there was no sand in this place so from where this sand accumulated here even though there is no sea near this place?

The native people of this place says that the reason behind all this is the curse which was given by the lady whose name was Almellamma who was once a queen. Concretely, behind all this, there is a noteworthy incident, the event after which Talakadu and Mysore became a part of Wodeyar dynasty. From the 14th century, Wodeyar dynasty was ruled over Mysore, that time it was a small monarchy and was the part of Vijayanagar empire. The monarchy of Srirangapatnam was bigger than Mysore. Due to the division of the Vijayanagar empire during the time of 1565, there was major turbulence occurred in the politics of this place. The king of Mysore that time was Wodeyar and the king of Shrirangapatnam was Rang rai who was also known by the name of Tirumal raja. The king Tirumal had an apprehension that the rulers of other states near his monarchy might attack in his kingdom. So, he planned a conspiracy through which he deceitfully invited all the rulers of other nearby states on the occasion of Durga Puja(Hindu religion festival) in Shrirangapatnam.

 Deceitfully he killed the rulers of other states but King Wodeyar came to know about all this and he escaped from there. Then after he attacked Srirangapatnam and captured this. In this war, Tirumal rai was killed and his wife whose name was Almellamma was started to live in nearby village Malangi. Almellamma was a very big devotee of  Lord Ranganath's wife Shri Rangnayaki, her Adhiranga temple is still one of the holiest temples of Srirangapatnam and South India. During that time, there was a ritual here that every Tuesday and Friday auspicious occasion of the great worship(maha-aarti) occurred here for which the idol of goddess Shri Rangnayaki adorned with the ornaments. After the great worship, all the ornaments hand over to Almellamma for the security purpose. When Almellamma moved to Malangi, she took all these ornaments with her. Few months after the war, the priest of the temple went to meet the king Wodeyar and requested the king ordered to bring back all the ornaments for her. The king ordered his soldiers to bring back all the ornaments from Almellamma. When the soldiers asked Almellamma to return back the ornaments, she denied and returned only one pearl nose pin to the soldiers. When the king came to know all about this, he became aggressive and ordered his soldiers to do not return back until they get back all the ornaments from Almellamma. During the second time when the soldiers went in search of Almellamma, they found her in Talakadu.

Talakadu was the birthplace of Almellamma. This time she very well understood the intentions of the soldiers. She ran toward the Kaveri river and climbed up on one of the high slopes of rocks and jumped into the river. But before she jumped, she gave three of these curses to the king Wodeyar " Talakadu will be buried under the sand, Malangi will be submerged in the river Kaveri and the King of Mysore never be blessed with a child". From then, pouring of sand started over Talakadu and slowly it became deserted and desolated. In Malangi the stream of the river flowing very rapidly and create whirlpools and the most astonishing thing is, from the last 400 years, every second ruler of Mysore does not have their own child, they adopt a child as their successor. So, out of nineteen generations, ten generations didn't have their own child but an adopted child as their successor. Yes, this is very astonishing but true. This whole story is really very strange and unbelievable but this is the fact in history.

As like locals have their own perspective and story regarding the issues, the archaeologists and historians may also have their views regarding this all! How the sand accumulated here? what is the reason behind all this? or they also have belief in the curse? The archaeologists have a viewpoint that due to the occurrence of a severe famine in the 17th century here, the water level of river Kaveri dropped down to very low while the remaining water was controlled by the Madhav Mantri dam, because of which Kaveri river started to dry. The sand in the bottom of the river blew from the west and spread about at the Talakadu region and gradually the whole Talakadu region buried under the sand. But the question is, why then the sand still accumulating at the region of Talakadu? and what about Malangi? Why only Malangi is the place where river Kaveri create so much disturbance and whirlpools? regarding this, the historians have the cogitation that at a particular place river Kaveri turned like an elbow bent, it is the place where the village Malangi is situated. Due to this elbow bent, the fast flowing water of river Kaveri moves inward to the bank of the river. Still, there is one major unsolved riddle about why the rulers of Mysore still face the arduous of not having their own child as a successor but to adopt a child as their successor? In this, many historian and archaeologists have some different opinion but none of them is satisfactory.

Ultimately there are some queries and unsolved riddles about which even the historians do not have any satisfactory answers. The rulers of Wodeyar dynasty also believe in this curse that's why they erected the statue of Almellamma in their palace and pray to her for the end of this curse. Locals and other peoples have their own belief regarding this and historians tried to prove their own perspectives. In all of this what you believe is define the history of this curse and Wodeyar dynasty to you.

Friday 15 March 2019

The king who took his dogs with him & forgot to take his wife and son while running from India to Pakistan during Partition. He not only threw grand parties on the marriage & birthday of his dogs but also declared national holiday also on his territory.

The king who took his dogs with him & forgot to take his wife and son while running from India to Pakistan during Partition  

Unbelievable but true! Extremely shocking but absolutely true! The king who was so passionate about Dogs that after Partition of India and Pakistan, this Indian King forgot to take his queen and his son with him to Pakistan but took his dogs and jewelry with him. According to the Indian Independence Act of 1947, there was a separate provision for the lapse of paramountcy in which after India become an independent nation the agreement between the British government and Indian princely states would be raptured and all the 565 princely states of India had complete right to choose either they wanted to be a part of India or Pakistan or they wanted to be a free nation. It was difficult for any princely state to become a separate independent nation because there was an extreme diplomatic pressure on those princely states from both India national congress and All India Muslim league headed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah to accede either in India or Pakistan. The first Indian state who declared themselves as the independent nation was Travancore which is today's Kerala and some southern part of Tamil Nadu and after one day of Travancore declaration of becoming an independent nation, on 12th of August, Hyderabad also declared that after 15th of August Hyderabad would also become a separate independent nation. Separation of Hyderabad means the connection of North Indian to South India would almost be disconnected, the situation that time was like the dream of one united nation was gradually in a breaking situation. After seeing the urgency of this matter, there was a separate ministry that was created in which Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel became its minister and V.P. Menon became its secretary.

After taking this position, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel addresses all the princely states by All India Radio and invited them to join India by signing the instrument of accession and the Indian constituent assembly, but the princely states were not in a mood to listen to anything from Indian national congress, they only wanted to be independent rulers. Only forty days were left before India become an Independent nation and none of the big or small princely states was in a mood to sign the Instrument of accession which is predominantly an agreement according to which the ruler of the princely state gives there consent to the Indian government that after signing this agreement their state will be the part of United India. The situation was looking very complex at that time, so Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, and V.P.Menon requested Lord Mount Batten to addresses the heads of all princely states in a conference where they tell them about why it is beneficial for them to join any of the nations of India or Pakistan. On 25th July 1947, Lord Mount Batten addresses the heads of all princely states in his last assembly and told them about the importance and benefits of joining any of these nations. After which by putting more effort, most of the Princely states agreed to sign the instrument of accession and joined United India. 

On the day of Independence, the Nawab of Junagarh declared that the state of Junagarh would be going to accede in Pakistan. Geographically, Junagarh is a small princely state in the southern interior of Gujarat whose area is around 3,337square miles and the majority of the population at Junagarh was of the Hindus. Around 80% of the population of Junagarh was the Hindu population and only around 20% of the population was of the Muslim population. After two days via newspaper, the government of India came to about the joining of Junagarh in Pakistan. 

The Nawab of Junagarh  Muhammad Mahabat Khanji was the ruler at that time. Before this declaration, Muhammad Mahabat Khanji was famous for his two passionate hobbies. One of which was his love toward animals especially his love for the dogs. He owned around 2000 pedigree dogs and spent thousands of rupees on their grand marriages and birthdays. This hobby of the Nawab became famous all around that day when he threw a magnificent grand marriage party of two of his dogs and spent thousands of rupees on that marriage, he also declared the national holiday on Junagarh on that day. In addition to this, he also threw grand parties on the birthday of many of his favorite dogs.
Another most passionate hobby of the Nawab was dancing and singing. He was so fond of Gujarati music, there was a concert hall in Sardar Bagh palace where he performed live dramas. All the costumes and pieces of jewelry which were used in the drama were original. The government had no problem with the hobbies or lifestyle of Nawab but when he deceived the Indian government then only it became necessary for the government of India to take action against the Nawab.

Again a very interesting turn took place when Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, and V.P.Menon went to meet Lord Mount Batten on this matter. During that time, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was completely in favor of army invasion but Lord Mount Batten had a logical explanation of why the government of India should not do any military action against Junagarh. Lord Mount-batten put up the point that according to the Indian independence act 1947, any princely state of India had complete right to either accede in India or in Pakistan. If they do any military action against Junagarh either of the reason that Junagarh has majority Hindu Population or because of the reason that Junagadh is in the interior southern part of Gujarat then Pakistan Muslim league would be opposed of this and claim their right on Kashmir, because during that time the majority of the population in Kashmir was Muslim. Jinnah would take advantage of this situation. Here, in all this situation, Junagarh is like a pawn in this game. So, the military invasion was not possible in that situation in Junagarh. Lord Mount Batten, suggested taking this matter on United Nations but Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was not in favor of taking this matter to the United Nation. In that case, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru suggested increasing surveillance and blockade around the outer border of Junagarh. Everyone was agreed on this suggestion, but before taking any action they decided to send V.P.Menon to meet the Nawab of Junagarh to find out the exact reason why the Nawab took such action? and is Nawab was the one who was actually behind this or there was another mastermind who persuaded nawab to take such a decision?

On 19th September 1947, V.P.Menon went to meet Nawab but unfortunately, the dewan of Nawab Shah Nawaz Bhutto who was the grandfather of Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto gave excuses of Nawab illness and absurd reasons of why Nawab was not in a situation to meet Menon. Soon, V.P.Menon understood that he was only wasting their time with Shah Nawaz Bhutto. Before leaving, he prevised Mr. Bhutto the public of Kathiawar is extremely angry about such a decision of nawab and if the anger of these people would not control and they took law in their hands then it means the complete destruction of Nawab's clan and you would be responsible for all this.

Mr. Menon was not succeeded in meeting with the Nawab but before reaching Delhi he successfully accedes two small estates Mangalore and Bavaria wadh of Junagarh in India by signing the instrument of accession. In response to this, the Nawab of  Junagarh sent their military in both these areas to capture. Soon V.P.Menon informed Jawahar Lal Nehru and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel about this absurd action taken by the Nawab. In one of the confidential meeting of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, V.P.Menon and Lord Mount Batten, Sardar Patel suggested that they should do military invasion this time because after signing the instrument of accession by the ruler of Mangalore and Bavaria wadh, these estates are the part of India and it was completely an act of country treason but again Lord Mount Batten suggested them to not take any military action against this and take this matter to United Nation. After all the discussion, all of them decided to neither take any military action nor to take this matter to the United Nation but to strictly increases the surveillance and siege around Junagarh.

This time the public of Junagarh revolted against the Nawab and were on the road marching and protesting against the Nawab. Muhammad Mahabat Khanji was afraid of all this situation and decided to move to Pakistan as soon as possible. while collecting all his jewels and money in order to leave Pakistan with this. One of his queens informed him that their son was not looking anywhere so she is going to find their son and meet him here in the hall of the palace. Nawab agreed on this and binding their luggage. He was in such a hurry that he took his luggage and two of his dogs with him to Pakistan and forgot to take their wife and son. It looks like, his love for his Dogs were much more than for his wife and son.

After the departure of Nawab to Pakistan, all the responsibilities were on the shoulders of the Dewan of Junagarh Shah Nawaz Bhutto. He sent a letter to Muhammad Ali Jinnah to do something in this matter but he didn't send any reply to dewan or took any action on this matter. After all this, Shah Nawaz Bhutto offer motion to the Indian government to sign the instrument of accession and accede in India. Then Junagarh became the part of India.

Sunday 10 March 2019

10 life-changing books every one should read at lest for once in their life time

10 Life-changing books you should read in your lifetime

No doubt in saying that life is completely unpredictable. Every day we all try to do something which makes our life better than today. Every day we face many situations in our life where we find ourselves confused and negative. Regarding career or any other situations, we always want someone who listens to us, guides us and help us to find the solutions to our problems and direct our intellect in a positive and motivated direction. Consider that life is full of struggles with limited opportunities and with lots of difficulties is not the solution of any of the problem but it is only a mindset which restricts your intellect to think beyond limited opportunities and struggles. There are only some of the people or some of the books that not only speaks to our minds but to our soul and guides us in such a way that completely transform our lives in a maximum positive direction and completely change our viewpoints regarding almost every aspect of life.

Many of the books are those which entertain the readers, which calm the mind of the readers and makes you feel despondent or enthusiastic, delightful or emotional but there are some of the books which speak to you, which speaks to your soul and have that ability to change your ideologies about life and its aspects. Here, are ten of these books which you should read once, twice and many numbers of time that it will like to be in your mind completely till the last breath of your life, because of these 10 books, your mind always try to find out positive and motivated ways from every negative situation or problems.

Here are these ten life-changing books to read before you die.

How to Win Friends & Influence People 

                    author:- Dale Carnegie

The book How to Win Friends & Influence People has been awarded as one of the most influential books on the list of Times Magazines. More than seventeen million copies of this book have been sold all over the world. Most of the time, People faces the problem of not easily socializing with other peoples or difficulty in making new friends. Some people are good in academics or in any particular skills but due to lack of socializing skills, they always find it difficult to get a good job or be friendly with the people where they work. This book solves so many problems of those people who are introverted or find it difficult to communicate with anyone easily. Every chapter of this book have some incidents or short stories which help the reader to easily understand what to do in such a particular situation where you don't have much idea about how to communicate or connect with other people. There are some of those readers who have much interest in reading other genres of books or novels so they may find it a little boring to read such kind of books. so, if you are feeling a little boring to read or don't have much time to read due to busy schedules then you can also listen to the audio of this whole book in free of cost on youtube.

Think and Grow Rich

                        author:- Napolean Hill

The book Think and Grow rich is from one of those best selling legendary books which even today after 75 years of its publishing is considered as one of the best books for self-improvement or self-motivation. The author of this book Napolean Hill took around twenty years to complete this book. In this book, the author writes about real life incidents or interviews of the topmost successful entrepreneurs of that time and philanthropist. The author divided this whole book into 13 steps or 13 chapters and every chapter of this book focuses on those major problem which a person faces every day in their lives. The significant thing about this book is the way the author narrated short incidents or stories in such a way that help the reader to understand about human nature of thinking about a problem and how to develop a kind of approach to solve it with a positive attitude. As the name of this book says Think and Grow Rich is like how to earn lots of money or increase income, the author tried to focus not only on the money here but also on philosophy like if you desire or imagine of something to achieve in any work field, you can achieve it. Those thirteen steps about which author said in this book are like desire, Faith, specialized knowledge, Imagination, Organized planning, and subconscious mind etc.

                     The 7 habits of highly effective People

                                                author:-  Sean Covey

This book of the seven habits of highly effective people is normally not like any of the other motivational or self-help books but in this book, the author takes a completely different way of solving problems, even the toughest problems of people. Here, in this book, the author describes a very thin line between being motivated and developing the habits of being positive and confident in any situations. The author tried to explain that motivation is like for one day, one month or even for more but develop a habit is like very tough to change. Once a person develops a habit, it is not easy changing. In this book, the author step by step describes the seven habits which a person should develop which highly affected the personality and overall problem-solving attitude of a person. As like in one of the incident, the author described how to develop a proactive kind of attitude rather than reactive. Overall, reading this book and implement it will definitely move your personality toward a positive direction.

                                       Rich Dad Poor Dad

                                            author:- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich dad Poor dad is about the story and experiences of the author Robert T. Kiyosaki and his two fathers. One is his real father who is poor and another one is the father of his best friend who is rich. In this book, the author tells about the thoughts and ideologies of his two fathers. How his rich father thought about investing money, increasing assets and being rich while his poor father has middle-class thoughts about investing money or earning money. How his rich father thought about how money works for them while his poor father has a point of views about how they have to work to earn money for them. How rich people focus more on assets while poor people focus more on liabilities. A significant point which tells about the most important assets we all have in our mind. Every chapter of this book deeply explains the mistakes which most of the people usually committed while most rich people do not do. Overall, this whole book is based on comparison with a proper logistic point of views. Reading and understanding this book will definitely be a good and life-changing experience for any reader.

                                               See you at the Top

                                                              author:-  Zig-Ziglar

See you at the top is basically a book which mostly focuses on a person's self-image. Building your own strong personality by believing in yourself. Understanding your value and develop your personality in an effective and positive direction. This book not only explains to you about how to choose your goals but also helps you to know how to achieve those goals. A very interesting fact which is logical also tells by the author that if you really want to achieve something then not try to take big steps or large planning toward your goals but to focus on small steps. You cannot achieve anything in a single day but take small steps one by one every day will help you to progress every day to move closer toward your goals. In addition to this, it also explains how to avoid making excuses and develop a habit of building a good discipline schedule. How your good representation of yourself, your dressing style helps you make an image of rich and confident people in front of others. Reading inspirational literature, self-help books develop a positive attitude in you. listen speeches of top successful people changes your views toward any problem or situation and how to handle that situation.

                                           The 80/20 Principle             

                                                     author:- Richard Kosh

This book 80/20 Principle is predominantly based on the Pareto Principle. In this book, the author Richard Kosh explains about a very simple and effective way of getting maximum output by putting minimum input i.e. In our everyday life we usually do  so much hard work and put our lots of effort to achieve what we want in our life but even after putting so much hard and effort we still feel unsatisfied or not get that much output which we expect to get. Here the author tried to explain to us that whatever we do in any of the fields in our life we mostly receive maximum output from that twenty per work which highly affect our outcome. Some people may be misunderstood this fact that if you get a good result you have to only focus on that twenty percent work which maximizes our result but here the author tried to say that give more preference or focus to that twenty percent work which helps to get the maximum amount of result but not to neglect that eighty percent also which support the overall in our work. For instance, During exams time it will be highly effective to work or focus on that twenty percent syllabus or chapters where there is the maximum possibility of getting expected question in the exam but it doesn't mean that you can neglect the other eighty percent syllabus. In the last ten decades, around millions of copies of this book has already been sold and still, it is very popular among every age group of person.

                           THE POWER OF LESS

                                               author:- Leo Babauta

Who says Multitasking like thing really does exist!... In the book Power of Less, Leo Babauta says multitasking is nothing but a myth. A human mind is more capable of paying attention one at a time. A very common mistake which almost ninety to ninety-five percent people do is they make the number of targets or goal to achieve but ultimately they evenly not accomplish any goal with full of perfection. Leo Babauta explained this very common but the major mistake which we all do every time when we set a goal. According to him, if you focus on the number of goals your mind get diverted in the number of directions which  confused your mind to think in one direction to achieve a one set of goal and ultimately it becomes like a 'Cognitive Switching Penalty' i.e. every time you switch your mind from one particular work to another, its like paying the price. so less you switch less you pay. Another thing which the author predominantly focus is to set your limits and slowly make progress while in developing that habit. once your habit becomes your second nature then only move toward developing a new habit or set a new goal.                             
The Power of Less by Leo Babauta is in one of those most popular international best-selling books which have very unique concepts and tried to explain those very simple mistakes which we mostly commit all the times in our lives and because of those mistakes we find it difficult to achieve any goal. Reading this book will surely be a good experience for you.

                                                      Brain Rules

                                                     author:- John Medina

This book is a little different and unique from other self-help books. In this book, the author describes the twelve principles for survival with a positive mindset and with the logistic explanation about how the human mind works in particular circumstances. Here, the author demonstrates all those facts and things which the scientist or the researcher know about the human brain. By reading all those things the reader will come to know about some of those unique facts and explanations which help the reader to know about how to develop their brain and get maximum benefit from it. Some reader may not like science or biology like subjects so they may find it boring to read this book but honestly speaking, in this book you may come to know some most amazing and unique facts about the human brain and its related behaviors that not only surprise you but also develop your interest to read  every chapter of this book with full attention.

               The Power of Subconscious Mind 

                         author:- Joseph Murphy

The human mind has a very powerful hidden power about which most people don't know or have a very little idea about it. This hidden power of the mind is much more powerful than you think. The author in this book emphasizes that subconscious mind which has major control over your whole body and every thought process of your mind. The author in this book describes very deeply about the concept that how your subconscious mind controls your way of thinking. It's like an iceberg in which, the portion above the sea is your conscious mind which has the ability to make decisions, solve problems etc but the part of the iceberg which is below the sea is much more bigger than the part which is above the sea. The subconscious mind of a human control your belief system which ultimately helps you to achieve your goals. when your subconscious mind has a positive belief system it will make you more confident and develop a very strong personality but when you have a negative kind of thinking, your subconscious mind develop your whole way of think in negative form. In this book, the author Joseph Murphy explains some very significant points of a human mind and behavior like Affirmations, visualizations and dreaming which ultimately helps you to achieve anything in your life and help you to develop your overall personality.

                                      As a Man Thinketh

                                                  author:- James Allen

As a man thinketh is a very simple and easy language written self-help book which helps you in your thought process. In a very simple and logistically way, the author tried to explain why persistence is one of the major problems while you are working toward your goal and how your sudden changes in your thoughts restrict you to achieve whatever you want to achieve in your life. A very complex problem which we all faces is after making your goal, how you can work persistently toward it. There are some of the other topics also which deeply helps you solve and understand some of the major issues in anyone's life.
The author in this book describes some teaching and methods by practicing which you can easily deal with any simple or complex situation. using these methods patiently and intelligently will also help you to overcome any of the situations of your life. Reading this book will definitely help you in your life.

Sunday 10 February 2019

Top 10 books for beginners even if you hate reading

   Top10 Books for Beginners 

Okay! so you think that reading is not for you, huh? or you find reading is really boring? even some of you may have some different logic like when you were kids you didn't find reading as fun like activity. But honestly speaking, as a devoted reader myself and obsessed with reading different genres of books, I really feel strange that why people don't like books, maybe reading is little more challenging for some people but it is more adventurous than challenging. If you think you are from one of those who hates reading! then it doesn't mean that you actually hate reading but it simply means that you haven't found that one book that is right for you or the book which grabs your whole attention while reading.

The thing is if you are still reading this article even if you hate reading about books is maybe because you find somewhere that reading help you a lot to become a fluent speaker or help you to transform your life in a positive direction or some of your friend suggested you that reading is very effective to build a powerful personality, changes your way of creating different opinions regarding different situations. Honestly speaking, all these things really happen, even you can get much more benefits then these ones if you develop a habit of reading books. It is not difficult to become a reader if you are a non-reader. Only two things which you should do if you are a beginner or think to start reading.

First thing is, think about the genres which you find interesting, reading about that make you feel happy and you like to read more and more of it. Like some likes reading romantic fictions, some may have an interest in reading mystery & suspense while others like historical romance, science fiction, fantasy & horror. so think about the genre which you think interesting to read. If you are from those ones who prefer more to read non-fiction, self-help motivational or spirituality then start your reading with that.

The second thing is, first read short stories or Novellas (i.e. short novels with around hundred to two hundred pages) in that genre. Now don't have that absurd kind of ideology where reading short stories means "for Kids thing/Kids stuff". Short stories are very much effective for beginners to build confidence. The thing is short stories or Novellas are not like lengthy books where you have to devote numbers of days to finish. Here to finish any short stories or novellas takes few hours or a day or two of yours to finish but once you complete one story or book, confidence build in you and an enthusiastic feeling of accomplishment of successfully finish a target of reading a book or story. This thing further helps you a lot of developing a habit of reading and build a very strong desire for reading more and more.

So if you think you are convinced now about reading then here are the ten easy books via which you can start your reading journey!

10. Love stories that touched my heart
edited by:- Ravinder Singh

A book Love-stories that touched my heart is a collection of all those short stories which has been selected from around two thousand entries submitted in the competition held by the topmost penguin publication India for all the readers who have a story to tell. Every story has been written in a very easy and simple vocabulary. The narration of each story of this book contains lots of beautiful emotions, feelings that completely grab the attention of the reader. Every story is a journey of experiences in the form of narration where the authors describe this adorable feeling of love. For them, Love is not just a four letters word which can be defined but a journey of feelings and emotions of happiness, sadness, pain, bless etc. The stories have been narrated in such a way that makes you believe that there is someone, somewhere who is for you. Even if you have met someone with whom you have ended your relationship, it doesn't mean that love ended there for you. It means that you haven't met that right person yet and love can happen twice.

     9. Till the last breath

      author:- Durjoy Datta 

Till the last breath is one of the masterpieces written by the most renowned author of India 'Durjoy Datta'. A romantic fiction novel where the story is about two reputed doctors and two patients. One of the Patient is a nineteen years old brilliant medical student Pihu whose only dream, desire or everything is to become a renowned doctor in a top-level hospital. Destiny plays its role when one day she came to know that she is suffering from an incurable, rare disease in which her body parts slowly getting weak to such an extent that her body will get paralyzed till her uncertain death. The other Patient  Dushyant Roy, who is a drug-alcoholic due to which he is suffering from critical kidney failure. He hates his life and all he wants is to die. Both of the patients are like dipoles too. Pihu, who is a cute, friendly soft hearted girl and Dushyant who is rude, egoistic and introverted one but both are in the same room no.509. Pihu who has feelings for a young handsome brilliant doctor Armaan which doctor also feel the same for her, on the other side doctor Zarah feel connected with Dushyant besides this there is another hate and emotional changing relation between Pihu and Dushyant. Overall it's an amazing novel where you can experience all the emotions of love, hate, sorrow, pain and life-changing mindset.


                 8. Diary of a Young Girl

                                 author:- Anne Frank

The book Diary of a Young Girl is about a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl Anne. On her 13th birthday on 12 June 1942, when there was the time of world war II, prevailed all around Europe.
she received a diary as a present from her parents. For her, receiving a diary as a present is like a great source of gratification and reinforce. In this diary, she wrote about the situation and condition of Jewish when they were hiding from Nazis, as Hitler ordered his military and fellow-beings to torture, hate, punish and murdered Jewish people. She was a Jewish herself so she wrote about her life and how she and her family hidden in a small attic-like place to save their lives from germans. In this book, Anne had written about the horrifying incidents, suspense and shocking incidents which her family and family-friends faced. How her only fault of being a Jewish terrified her family and her life. This book is full of up and down emotions, situations and all. Reading this book will definitely be shocking as well as a nice experience for you.

          7. Immortal of Meluha - Shiva Trilogy                      author:- Amish Tripathi        


Immortal of Meluha is the first book of Shiva trilogy written by Amish Tripathi. This book depicts the creation of Lord Shiva by the fictional mean. The book describes the journey of a man Shiva to become Lord Shiva. Millions of copies have been solid of this book and the reviews about this book are very much high. It is based on mythology but every chapter of this book narrated in such a way that completely grab the attention of the reader. This book is the first part of the series of Shiva Trilogy while the other two books are the secret of nagas and the oath of vayuputra. 

       6. The nine chambered heart

   author:- Janice Pariat 

The nine chambered heart is one of the most Phenomenal books a person can ever read. This whole book is divided into nine chapters and every chapter has been described by a lover who narrated about the woman they love. A girl who has been fall in love with nine different people from their age of adolescence to her middle age. The same woman who has been loved by nine different lovers and their up and down relationship with her is described in this book by those nine characters. The way every chapter narrated in this book has so many emotions, feelings of love, turning points, sorrow & heartbreak. The unique thing about this book is every time every different lover narrates the same girl in an absolutely different way which somewhere develops the interest of the reader to read this book with full of amusement and enthusiasm at the same time.                                    

                                         5. A Princess Remembers
        author:- Gayatri Devi

It's not just an ordinary biography or an autobiography but its a very significant autobiography written by the Maharani of Jaipur Gayatri Devi. This autobiography has been described in a different way. Everything in this book describes royal life, royal culture. whatever queen Gayatri Devi faces in her life from her childhood to after her marriage to the king of Jaipur. This whole book has been described in two perspectives. First is about the life of Gayatri Devi and the second is about the royal culture, royal and lavish life the royal people lives. Moreover, some of the amazing events have been mention here about queen Gayatri Devi from her carefree childhood with her brother and sister in the palace of Cooch Bihar and about her trips of London and other continents. In addition to this, here also mention her relation with Maharaja Jai Singh and their marriage. She is herself was a very powerful personality who became one of the first women to be elected in the Parliament of India. one more thing, she was considered as one of the most beautiful women around the world. So, if you want to know and read non-fiction with a royal touch then read this book.


                                        4. Hold my hand

                                            author:- Durjoy Datta

Another fabulous book has been written by Durjoy Datta. The book Hold my hand is a suspense romantic fiction in which there is a tall boy Deep who was so obsessed with books and spent most of his time in the library. All his dreams came true when he got an opportunity to go to Hong Kong for an internship programme. He went to Hong Kong leaving behind his little jealous but more encouraging friend, a very supported father and an overprotected mother. In hong kong, he met the most adorable & stunning girl Ahana. But soon Deep came to know another reality of life. Ahana was blind. soon they both started to spend time together. Ahana guided deep in exploring this wonderful city with smells and sounds of the city while Deep beautifully explain the views of the places to Ahana where they visit. They both were living a dream-like life till Aveek, Ahana's ex-boyfriend who came back into her life. The whole book has been beautifully narrated with a shocking and suspense ending.

    3.Unhurried Tales- the collection of Novellas

                                             author:- Ruskin Bond

Novellas are basically short novels or long short stories. Unhurried Tales is the collection of Novellas. Every novella has been written in a classic and simple way but with outstanding narration. Some of the stories in this book are like The Blue Umbrella which has been the bestseller from the last four decades, Time stops at Shamli, bus stop, Angry River, the night of the leopard and the last tiger and tales. All the novellas have some uniqueness and show different aspects of life, suspense, emotions and up and down among relations. if you want to read short novels then starting with unhurried tales is a good option.

                             2. The Devil Wears Prada

                                      author:- Lauren Weisberger

The Newyork times and the international bestseller book The Devil Wears Prada is from one of those books whose outstanding story and extraordinary plotting of characters make it the most popular book among readers, especially in youngsters. The story is about a young girl who got a job under the editor of one of the tops most powerful fashion magazine company. Working in such a topmost company was like a dream come true for her but soon this beautiful dream of her became the worst nightmare of her life. Every day she used to struggle with the exhausting & arduous schedule and absurd demands of her boss. The way this whole story has been narrated is very interesting and once a reader starts to read this book, he/she will like this book for sure.

                                    1. Fault in our stars

                                            author:- John Green


Around more than one million copies of this book have already been sold. The book fault in our stars is in the top position of the new york time book review's editors choice. This book has been written in such an extraordinarily beautiful way which has the capability to completely dissolve the emotions and attention of the reader in a such a way that if once a reader read this book he/she will emotionally feel a kind of attachment with the protagonist and every other character. The whole story is about a sixteen-year-old girl Hazel Grace Lancaster who was suffering from cancer. Once she joins a cancer support group where she meets a guy Augustus Water with whom she felt so attached that she falls in love with him. She doesn't have much time but her dream of meeting her favourite author came true when Augustus took her to that place where that author lived. A turning point came to the story when Augustus life changed after the accident. It's a very beautiful and intense love story with lots of turning points.