Sunday 18 February 2018


When soulmates meet - a poetry

He was just a passerby for her in the crowded market
She was in her own thoughts, in her own dilemma
Every day she meets so many people, she knows some of them
While others are strangers to her,
But a day comes in everyone's life when the inner soul of yours, sees their soul mate and
You don't even have a sign that you meet your soul mate.
Her inner soul forces her to turn to see him again and again but
Her conscious mind only says to ignore it.

You have right to do your karma, you have the right to plan your future but
You don't have any right to intervene in the decision of your destiny.
For her, she has her own plannings for future,
But for destiny, he is the ultimate planner for her.

That day both the inner souls saw one another
They know they complete one another, but your body only feels a kind of restlessness
You are confused to know why you feel so uneasiness,
The same vision of the crowded market
Again and again, come in front of your eyes
Perhaps, your soul giving you the signs of knowing something eternal

She again saw that guy
He saw her again
But this time, they both smile to see one another like they know one another from a long time
They feel strange later, about why they behave like that
Even they both didn't know one another
But they also feel a kind of unknown satisfaction about what they did

Yes, this time they want to talk one another but also feel unassuming to talk first.
But how can one deal with this stubborn soul who forces you to talk to
That guy
Finally, they both move toward each other,
Soon, they like the company of one another...

It was not the matter of attraction between two people
But the matter of two souls who eagerly have a wish to unite
These souls know that this is not the first time they are with each other
But they know that they know each other from so many lives
They only separate in one life to unite again in another life


He is very nervous to think about how he proposes her
For him, he is not only proposing her like he only loves her just as a
Human being,
He is proposing her like he knows it very well that she is his only
Soulmate, her half soul from so many previous births
He always has a belief that one day he will meet her who complete him
Not at the physical level but at the eternal level also
Today she is in front of him and via his words,
He is expressing his eternal feelings for her

The way you cares for me,
The way you love me,
The emotional bonding between us is inseparable
Wherever I will be you will always be with me

Friday 9 February 2018

Its your life - its your journey (don't regret at the last)




She opened her eyes but she was still dreaming
She was sleeping but dreaming like it was the reality.
The happiest person she sees herself in the world
she remembered her innocent childhood where she was free
from all the boundings. She saw herself roaming here to there without any restrictions
Every day she had a new ambition, one day she wants to become a doctor another day she 
want to go in the space then another day she wants to be a singer, that time no one pressurizes her 
to become only that what her family wants her to be.
She runs here to there, fall numbers of time but never felt hurt and stood up in a second
like nothing had happened.
She saw another picture of her life where she saw as a teenager.
the age where she had lots of news dreams, lots of new wishes in her life
she knew she can do anything, she wanted to achieve so many things 
she had a group of special friends with whom she shared all her thoughts,
life was full of enthusiasm for her.
The age where she felt her first crush, the age where all her friends acted crazy like her
What an amazing time that was where one side you had anxiety for the board's examinations 
but also had so much fun with friends and amazing memories of your school days.

But this time her life became serious for her.
Who cares what she wanted to do in her life, all that her parents want is she
had to do what they said to her to get a secured future.
She wanted to raise her voice but unknown fears stop her and she accepted her as
a destiny or an as a wish of her parents.
 The new journey of college life where you met your new friends
some are real and some are fake ones.
some fight for you while some fight with you.
How can one forget the first love of their life where you feel
special kind of feelings for someone.
where a guy follows you every day to impress you and
finally you got impressed by his efforts.
it was a place of first love for so many guys but who knows it will
last forever or life has another plan for you.
you study your subjects like a burden, all over the tensions of
those unwanted examinations but you know it very well that it was your choice to
accept this fate.
you choose to afraid from this society, you choose not to raise your voice for your dreams
in front of your parents.
You choose to live the rest of your life which you never wanted for you
but not to fight for your dreams for few days.
She got a placement in a company from the college campus,
it was a happy moment for her but not the happiest moment.
The daily routine she follows to go to the office at 8 and return home at 7
This life is not bad but this is the life she bears it every day like an unwanted
She has the courage to leave this unwanted journey of life and start a new life where
she sees herself the happiest person but again the barriers which
she created for herself stop her.
she accepted this journey as her destiny but she also knows that all this is not her
destiny, it's her fears.
fear from society, fear from Parents, fear and only fears.......
At this point in time, she had no time
she is dying on this road, she just faced an accident.
Here she knows this life is very short, you don't know what moment become the
last moment of your life.
you die alone, no one shares a death bad with you.
it was her journey not any one's other.

This time she has a regret of not doing what she wanted to do.
what she wanted in her life.

"This was my life why I didn't live my life according to me"